CSU Bakersfield's University Police Department hosted its first Zombie Apocalypse Scavenger Hunt on Oct. 31.
While waiting for the event to commence, students sipped blood-red...
By Victoria Coronado
In honor of the Halloween spirit, CSU Bakersfield set up a spooky haunted Vegas theme for the latest Runner Nights.
CSUB students lined...
By Uzziel Hernandez
The Dore Theatre at CSU Bakersfield was filled with numerous attendees on Oct. 24 as the co-star of AMC’s “Breaking Bad” RJ Mitte, 24, shared his inspirational...
By Samantha Melendez
Charles Fishman, author of “The Big Thirst” discussed his book at CSU Bakersfield on Oct. 27 as part of the One Book, One Bakersfield, One Kern event.
By Marissa Patton
It wasn’t the talking or laughter that echoed down the hallway. It wasn’t even the smell of delicious Panera sandwiches and cookies. Rather it was the righteous fight...
Features Editor
As Halloween nears, the sights of the fall season transition are in full bloom. As carved pumpkins are appearing in every porch and students are mulling over what costume they will...
CSU Bakersfield’s music, theater and art department opened their doors and allowed students, faculty and members of the community to come join them as they showcased their art...
Assistant Features Editor
CSU Bakersfield’s Center for Career Education and Community Engagement hosted the 2016 Fall Career Expo in the Student Recreation Center gymnasium on Oct....
A light, chilly breeze swirled the savory aromas of Greek food into the air, tempting the senses for a taste.
St. George Greek Orthodox Church held its annual Greek Food Festival...
Senior Staff Writer
A warm breeze blows over the silhouette of the mountains as we wait in a line for the foreman to teach us how to pick the grapes.
Imagine a simple fruit shaping your life and...
The annual environmental friendly event Rideshare Week returns to Kern County on Oct. 3.
Residents of Kern County are invited to participate in Rideshare Week, an event where people pledge...