Preview: Public Philosophy Talk

Ernesto Leon, Assistant Features Editor

CSU Bakersfield’s Kegley Institute of Ethics will be hosting a plethora of events this semester. Their upcoming event is titled “Public Philosophy, Education, and Social Justice” which will be conducted virtually through zoom. The event will be on Thursday, Feb.10 at 4 p.m. and is open to all to join.
The event will be discussing how philosophy has been implicated in existing programs meant for social justice such as prison reform, foster youth care and programs meant to support minority children and LGBTQ+ youth.
The Kegley Institute of Ethics’ Director, Dr. Michael Burroughs, will be the moderator for this panel discussion and will be joined by:Rethink: A Philosophy Community Outreach Program’s Adam Blazej, The Flying University’s Dr. Sol Neely, Center for Public Philosophy’sDr. Kyle Robinso and Corrupt the Youth’s Dr. Briana Toole.
“I would this event to be conversational. It will focus on the application of philosophy to social justice,” said Dr. Michael Burroughs.
The event will be a combination of presenters and Q&A segments.
“I want students, faculty, community members to leave the conversation learning about programs that created positivity. We’re going to be hearing from four speakers who created programs to make change…Philosophy is considered abstract, but we will be looking at it be used in concrete ways,” said Burroughs.
The Kegley Institute of Ethics has collaborated with PLATO and the Public Philosophy Network to host this webinar.
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