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The Student News Site of California State University, Bakersfield

The Runner

The Student News Site of California State University, Bakersfield

The Runner

The Student News Site of California State University, Bakersfield

The Runner

The Taste of the Arts was a hit

October 24, 2017

By Veronica Morley Features Editor “At Northridge, the campus is like the epicenter where people in town go to enjoy art and culture, and I think that’s what CSUB is trying to do here,” said...

Pride week’s Ally Rally opened eyes about supporting the LGBTQ+ community

October 24, 2017

By Karin Patiño Reporter     On Oct. 11, CSU Bakersfield’s LGBTQ+ Affinity Group held its 9th Annual Ally Rally as part of celebrating pride week. The Ally Rally is an event...

Pride week’s Expression night presented: Out and Proud

October 24, 2017

By Chantel Vargas Reporter     Expression night was Oct. 12 during the LGBTQ+ Pride Week Celebration, and it was a night filled with support.   A handful of brave people...

Hispanic Heritage month culminates

October 24, 2017

By Allison Lechman Reporter        Hispanic Heritage month is a time for “all students to come together, to celebrate culture, have fun and enjoy cultural traditions,”...

Mind on Fire OCD panel

October 24, 2017

By Chantel Vargas Reporter   The Mind on Fire panel about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with Chrissie Hodges, Kerry Osborn, and Nathalie Maragoni was on Oct. 9. The three speakers had three...

Preview: “The Profane”

October 24, 2017

Don’t miss out on CSU Bakersfield’s upcoming theatre production! Starting Thursday, Oct. 26-29, the Doré Theatre’s stage will be transformed into Zayd Dohrn’s “The Profane.” Directed by...

ASI Meeting Coverage: Revised Open Dining Dates, Antelope Valley Updates

ASI Meeting Coverage: Revised Open Dining Dates, Antelope Valley Updates

October 17, 2017

By: Paul Lopez/Managing Editor - Digital   A campus-wide emergency evacuation day is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 18 at 1:15 p.m. All classes and campus buildings will be evacuated for campus...

Youtube sensation Tommy Edison spoke to students on Thursday Oct. 5, in the Student Union Multi-Purpose Room. Services for students with Disabilities presented The Blind Film Critic to share his story and answer questions from CSUB students. 
Photo by Arturo Castellanos/ The Runner

YouTuber shares experience through film

Veronica Morley October 10, 2017

Features Editor  “I had just left my house, and I grab my cane and go outside. All of a sudden this woman links her arm to mine and says ‘I help you,’” said Tommy Edison while he explained...

The Kegley hosted Dr. Kelly Lytle Hernàndez who spoke about Mexican incarceration on Oct. 6 in the Dezember Reading Room. 
Photo by Shelby Parker/ The Runner

The ‘City of Inmates’ comes to CSUB

Veronica Morley October 10, 2017

Features Editor On Friday, Oct. 6, the Kegley Institute of Ethics hosted Kelly Lytle Hernández, associate professor of history at UC Los Angeles and author of “City of Inmates: Conquest, Rebellion,...

Who let the dogs out? It was BPD

Karin Patiño October 10, 2017

Reporter       On Sept. 27, CSUB’s criminal justice department hosted a K-9 demonstration from the Bakersfield Police Department for an intro to criminal justice class. Students...

Gamers and cosplayers unite at Rowdy Con

Chantel Vargas & Sandy Ornelas October 10, 2017

The Runner Staff       Rowdy Con 2017 was Sept. 30, and the turnout was great. There were over 25 themed game rooms, panels, contests, and more, all for a great cause.  ...

Guitar duet serenades CSUB throughout the night

Karin Patiño October 10, 2017

Reporter   On Thursday, Sept. 21, CSU Bakersfield welcomed classical guitarists Johannes Möller and Laura Fraticelli for the 8th Annual Guitar Arts Series concert.   The Guitar Arts Series...

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