Jacob Perez, 18, Criminal Justice Major
“It’s whatever. I don’t really have much to say about politics.. I feel unbothered.”

Grace Ude, 23, Biology Major
“For me, it’s devastating. I am upset, but I’m mostly confused by the outcome. I assumed that everyone would look at both candidates, their policies, and their qualifications and then make their pick. I have been seeing a lot of misogynist takes about Kamala Harris.

Alondra Hernandez, 18, Business Entrepreneurship.
“I feel very upset about it. I honestly do believe that if Kamala Harris was a white male she would have won. When Trump went after Biden [the election] was clearly favorable to Biden. Kamala and Biden literally share the same [politics] and she still somehow lost. I feel like she didn’t win because a lot of people are sexist and racist.”

Elizabeth Barnes, 19, Sociology
“There has been a lot mixed reviews about it. I voted for Kamala because as a woman, I believe in women’s rights. We have a right to our own body. It is unfortunate with how the election went because in term’s of how they picked a president, a man who disregards women’s feelings. Women have the right to do what we want with our bodies. I’m mixed and it hurt me to hear him say racist stuff about my people. It’s just horrible. We deserved a president who has love for any community regardless of their background.

Wren Villicano 24, Psychology
“Disappointed but not surprised. I had a bit of blind hope that maybe someone else could have won. I don’t think they gave Kamala enough time to let people get to know her. Not that I agree with her polices but when you have to make a choice between those two? I was never going to pick Trump.

Cecelia Holguin, 35, Biology
“I am disgusted by the bigoted, racist rhetoric. I feel bad for CSUB students entering a field the Trump administration wants to ruin, like education, the sciences, and various research fields. I fucking hate this pick and I am just anxiously waiting for what’s coming.”

Matthew Berry 21, Human Biology
“Either way I kind of would’ve been happy, I’m not too political”

Amy Melton 23, Psychology
“I’m extremely disappointed in trump being the president, I don’t think he represents most of the country and he’s a candidate that stands for stripping away the rights of women, black people, people of color, queer and trans people, and I’m extremely nervous for the next four years.”