If you are looking for an artist who has an angelic voice, creative songwriting and backs it all up with exceptional instrumentals… it’s safe to say you will eventually come across Paravi.
Paravi, up until now, is known for her covers on TikTok of songs such as “Home” by Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros or “Cloud 9” by Beach Bunny.
On Sep. 15, Paravi claimed her name and released six original songs in “Paravi: EP.”
The songs she wrote are about anger, breakups, family structure, body image, and so much more. The amount of emotions that she captivates within 17 minutes and 17 seconds is incredible.
“Every single song on the track list represents a different facet of what makes me, me. I’m also going back to the original authentic pronunciation of my Indian name…I just thought this was the perfect opportunity to decide who I want to be and be her,” said Paravi in her TikTok story on Sep. 14.
The EP starts with the song “Skeletons.” Paravi explained on TikTok how we go through a series of ancestors and family in order for us to be here today.
“My skeleton’s hand-me-down / My bones have been lost and found / I’m hearing a sacred sound / Calling out my name,” sings Paravi in “Skeletons.”
This song is about tracing the history of your family tree and remembering where you come from. We can be here today through our ancestor’s love, joy, pain, suffering, battles, and overall life Paravi also shares her struggles with body image.
“Sucking it up / and sucking it in / I was only a kid / Color myself / Outside the line / Cause I didn’t fit in,” said Paravi in “Revenge Body.”
This powerful song talks about the struggles of body image and how Paravi interacted with her own body. In the song, she explains how she is done apologizing to mirrors, and the impact is emphasized when you realize that the person in the mirror is herself.
Paravi told her audience at her EP release party on Sep. 8 that she was going through a lot during the signing of her record deal. So, when she went home to Virginia, her mom told her she was a stargirl.
Paravi explains how to remember who you are in “Stargirl,” “Hide your power / Under a pillow / Find your calling / Outside a window… Build a star / And be her forever.”
This song is a reminder that you get to decide who you want to be. Paravi reminds the listener of their power to become the star they are capable of being.
I never thought that after the first couple of tracks, I would receive something that makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs.
In “Angry,” Paravi is singing about how her world is falling apart over a breakup; when it comes to this song, you can relate it to any issues that can “break your heart.”
In the chorus of “Angry” by Paravi, she states,“Why is everybody not angry? / Crying out / Throwing empty bottles at walls / Why is everyone so happy / In the sun like nothing ever happened at all?”
This song in particular went viral on my TikTok and creators stitched her video describing things that happened to them or in the world, and the anger they feel towards it.
Overall, “Paravi: EP” encapsulates what it means to take back who you are, be kinder to yourself, and other things that all people go through in life. It is powerful to have an artist share their raw emotions within their songwriting process, and Paravi’s EP creates the feeling that we are not alone in the things that make us who we are.