Dozens of high school districts made their way to the Rabobank, which hosted its annual college night on September 11, 2023. Many parents accompanied their children as they also hoped to see what might be in store for their children’s future.

Before entering the arena, FAFSA and Student Aid booths handed out flyers, reminding students to prioritize applying for financial assistance. Guadalupe Moreno and Margaret Olaya were two Student Aid representatives present, providing pamphlets and further information for students and parents.
“We keep encouraging students to fill out the application before the deadline for priority filing. We touch bases with counselors as well, to make sure there are postings and reps available for any questions anyone may have” stated Moreno.
Among the prestigious Universities, was an aviation school; California Aeronautical University boasted a flight simulator, enticing students to approach their booth. An aeronautical school is an intriguing option for students who may be undecided about their studies.
Angelica Mena, a representative of CAU, stated, “We are located here in Meadows Field Airport, Bakersfield, and have been offering courses since 2016 and offer degrees in aviation flying, aviation mechanics and a bachelor’s degree program in aviation training. We also encourage students to apply for financial aid as well. We have accelerated programs that can have students done in three years. The sky’s the limit, and we can take you there!”
Sam Stahl from Woodbury University, nestled within Burbank, California, offered students the opportunity to pursue degrees with jobs in prosperous fields within the entertainment industry. According to Stahl, Hollywood is a very popular area to work in for many graduates.
“We have four schools that we focus on, school of Business, Media Culture and design, architecture and liberal arts and sciences. We hold workshops in high schools throughout the state, and offer small class sizes, more teacher to student interaction and a high graduation rate. Many of our graduates find immediate jobs within the Burbank community or in the LA area.” said Stahl. A promise of more one-on-one and high graduation rates may also convince students to apply.
Three sisters from BCHS and Highland High were intently listening to information from a Notre Dame Booth representative, listening intently to what scholarships and major programs Notre Dame had to offer.
When asked if they would apply to Notre Dame, Remy Amwyl said, “Yes, we have been planning on going to college since before high school. My parents have been supportive of me furthering my education and would be fine with me relocating.” One common fact for many students is the unrelenting support from the parents, who want to see their child succeed.
This college night is no doubt the most successful one in years. There were many opportunities for students and parents to consider and different pathways. Hats off to the parents right beside their children this night, with hopes of a bright and successful future.