ASI election for the 2023-24 school year

Nicholas Castillo, Multimedia Producer

Breaking News, Runners! ASI, the student government here at CSUB, is now hosting its annual election! Those who believe they are fit for the jobs have already applied and are now looking to secure your votes! Voting opened up on Wednesday, March 29 at 8 a.m., and is going to be closing Thursday, March 30 at 11:59 p.m.  

Links to vote have been sent to all of your school emails, and we will be announcing the winners on March 31 as soon as we get the results down. Now, ASI plays a very big part in how a school year will shape out, so I highly recommend getting involved in voting to see who is going to get put in those positions of power. 

Now, quite a few people did run unopposed, but I think you should meet those that you will be voting for. 

Running for President we have: Daisy Alamillo and Jacob Roper.

For Executive Vice President we have: Christian Burgara and Ignasio Castillo.

Running for Vice President of Finance we have a three-way competition between: Coby Nguyen, Kayla Medina, and Simranjeet Kaur. 

Running for Vice President of Legislative Affairs we have: James Tompkins and Taylor Thomas. 

For Director of Community Outreach, we have: Alejandro Martinez and Kenlee Calvin-Stoll. 

And, running for Director of Student Support we have: Karen Navarro and Sarah Varela.

If you’d like more information on those that are running you can find that on both The Runner Instagram page as well as The Runner’s website. I truly hope that the best person wins every position, and honestly, I’m excited to see what the next year will bring. Thank you all for watching, and get out there and vote. Bye everyone!Â