CSUB creates an opportunity for leadership, advocacy and community
March 13, 2023

California State University, Bakersfield opened a new leadership opportunity through the Associated Students Inc.
ASI is the official voice for all 9,000 students at CSUB. They ensure that all the students’ voices and concerns are being communicated and represented.
CSUB students who want to make a change on campus and at the state level, gain leadership experience and advocate for their student body are encouraged to apply.
By joining ASI, students can receive benefits that better support them as a student and the opportunity to engage with the community.
Beyond that, they provide students with the opportunity for legislative and advocacy work on a statewide level.
ASI grants their executive officers full tuition coverage, and directors a $100 scholarship. Both director and executive officer positions receive a free parking pass and priority registration. The scholarships are paid through the budget that ASI has through the ASI student fee.
Community engagement plays a big role when it comes to wanting to be part of student government. ASI offers trips, retreats and volunteer opportunities. Students also hold office hours with their respective departments and for any students that may have questions.
The commitment for the Executive Board is 10 hours a week, and four hours for the board of directors. Each officer will also have to make time every Friday at 3 p.m. for the Board of Directors meeting. They will also conduct two office hours in their perspective departments every week.
Officers are required to meet with the department dean, director or CSUB committee that they represent each semester. This creates an opportunity to let the different departments know of any concerns or problems that the students are having.
ASI hosts retreats as an opportunity for officers to get to know each other. All officers are also responsible for creating at least one event per semester with the goal of helping and getting a better understanding of what’s going on with the students that they represent.
Previous events that have been hosted in the past were: the Department of Natural Science, Mathematics, and Engineering hosting Cocoa and Cram; the Department of Arts and Humanities hosting expression nights; and the Department of Housing hosting ASI x Tie-Dye.
These events were created to increase student involvement and for the departments to create something that was specific for the area that they oversee. This also allowed the directors and the executive officers to get to know the students at the CSUB campus better.
“You get to meet new people all the time. I’m always meeting new students, faculty, staff, and whomever. You get really connected with the community here on campus and make great friends” said the Vice President of University Affairs, Daisy Alamillo.
For students who want to make a statewide impact and tackle big issues, ASI has opportunities to advocate for the campus and create new legislation alongside the 22 other CSUs.
Through the Cal State Student Association, the organization that oversees all CSU campuses, all CSU presidents, VP of University Affairs, and VP of Legislative Affairs meet to “Get an understanding of how we advocate for higher education and our goals as 23 CSUs” said Ignasio Castillo, vice president of Legislative Affairs.
Each one sits on a committee to go over different subjects within the area that they oversee.
The University Affairs department concerns system-wide issues and each campus brings awareness to the specific concerns that their campus is facing.
Legislative Affairs concerns advocacy for higher education and can impact state and federal legislation.
The Department of the President sits on the Board of Directors, and they oversee the passing of the legislation that the different departments have passed and brought to them.
ASI was created for any student to raise their voice for the voiceless and create real change. The six executive board and 16 board of director positions are vacant and are ready to be filled by those who want a place at the table to advocate for the students at the CSUB campus.
Students can read more about events, requirements and contact information from a previous article written here: https://therunneronline.com/35800/news/asi-election-applications-open-for-the-2023-2024-academic-year/.