CSUB gives website new look

Illustration by Alex Torres/ The Runner

Illustration by Alex Torres/ The Runner

Sofia Martinez, Reporter

  CSU Bakersfield’s last major homepage update was in 2013. Fortunately, this year on August 15, 2019 the IT department launched their new homepage design. The main purpose of the redesign according to the ITS website was to have a “Responsive, user-friendly design and choose relevant content on the campus homepage that matched the needs [of the campus]”

  Some new features the new website include are specific tabs that correspond to the needs of the navigator. The website also includes, designated tabs for faculty, future, and current students. Under the current students and faculty tabs both allow access to Canvas, Blackboard, and Office 365.  There is also a section for students to see upcoming events, latest stories, and CSUB academic calendar where they can find important dates and deadlines.

  Besides the new allocation of the links, programs, and apps, the website also includes more color, pictures and life on the homepage. Those who come to the website can see pictures of current students actively participating at events which gives the school a dynamic personality by providing users an insight to CSUB events coming up and learn about ongoing activities held by the students and campus. The new reorganization of the website has helped make searching easier for both students and faculty.

  A senior, Beatriz Munoz, a psychology and CAF’s major stated, “I like how well organized and professional [the new homepage] looks. I also like that [the website] has a lot of images. [The new homepage] was a bit confusing at first because I was used to the old layout. I don’t like that I can’t find the blackboard link [ as easily anymore]. I recommend [IT to make] Blackboard and Canvas more visible or on top of the homepage.”

  A junior, Daisy Paniagua, a psychology major said, “I personally like the new update because it’s user friendly and well organized. In all honestly there isn’t anything that I personally disliked about the new update.”

  Paniagua hopes that the next update will include more sections for student activities such as a, “Greek life” section that would allow incoming and current students more access to student life and a greater understanding of activities available through involvement.

  Some other students had some difficulty in finding information because of the new design. Another junior, Hannah Warner, a geology major stated “that the new homepage setup is cool, easy to use, but I still can’t find a quick way to get to Blackboard and MyCSUB without using the search key.”

  Professor Gonzalo Santos, in the sociology department, wrote in an email, “Frankly, we have an ‘Administration-Centered’ approach on the campus web site, and a lot of cheerleading images that boost the campus’ PR needs, but that we faculty can’t use much in our classes, research, or professional lives.”

  Gonzalo Santos also wrote, that in the past faculty used to have their own websites which were created and maintained by staff. The shift to a “Blackboard centered” focus has taken away faculty contributions. He points out that many of the faculty working under FERP, Faculty Early Retirement Program, are no longer listed on the campus directory.

  So far only phase one has been released and phase two and three will be updated during spring and summer of 2020. These last two phases will include more sites, pages, and school information. On CSUB’s information technology services webpage gives a more in-depth version on how to use it and their priorities in the phase one update. Although updates can be helpful, the new update will take some time to become familiar.