By Sonia Lemus
Assistant News Editor

Photo by Simer Khurana/ The Runner
Two requests for funds were approved by Associated Students Inc. totaling $4,050 during their Oct. 20 meeting.
Delta Zeta Tau asked for a total of $3,959.64 for their 18th annual event La Gran Posada. However, they were only granted $3,000.
ASI has a policy of funding a maximum of $3,000 for clubs and organizations; however, they said they do make exceptions.
Delta Zeta Tau said their expected expenses went up when they incurred two unexpected charges. They now needed to get fencing around Alumni Park, where they will be hosting the event, and portable restrooms, since they can no longer use the restrooms inside the Runner Café.
Delta Zeta Tau has held events to try and raise funds for the event, such as torta sales and fundraisers at Buffalo Wild Wings. They also received $400 from Nu Phi Chi.
ASI’s objection was Delta Zeta Tau‘s lack of promotion for the event, and they asked for over $3,000 last year too.
Delta Zeta Tau said they did their best to cut cost of the events, but they were unable to. The event is a cultural event, so the food is more expensive.
Mariela Gomez, ASI president, said she spoke to the Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Thomas Wallace, and that they were discussing how to possibly remove the cost of fencing and the portable bathrooms.
Engineering majors also requested $1,050 for a soldering workshop they want to hold on Oct. 30.
They said that soldering is a needed skill for engineering majors; however, there is not a course available in soldering for them. Their professors advised them to learn the skills by looking it up on the internet.
ASI said they were impressed with the student’s initiative to have this workshop and that many of the matereials that are needed would be reusable.
They also applauded their initiative to help students who are still undeclared. Beacuse of this, ASI granted them the $1,050 they requested.
Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Jim Drnek introduced the new Student Success Coach Estela Sanchez. She is new to campus and will be working with the counselors in the Health Center.
Antelope Valley campus representative Benita Smith said that the campus is in need of more wheelchair accesible doors.