Statements: Precious Nwaoha, Executive Vice President
My name is Precious Nwaoha. I am a fourth year kinesiology major, and I am thrilled to be running for the position of Executive Vice President.
My firsthand experience, diligence, drive and innovation are essential to implement meaningful change into individual student experiences at CSUB. Currently, I’m your Vice President of Finance. The experience and knowledge I’ve gained in this past year has prepared me for this next step. In addition, I am the President of the African Student Association, Co-President of the National Society of Leadership and Success, and member of the Black Student Union.
These various positions have prepared me to be a successful Executive Vice president.
I plan to manage internal operations within ASI while prioritizing a student-driven atmosphere. I intend to make diversity training mandatory for the entire ASI Board and campus leaders in order to ensure the campus community is inclusive. Hosting a program where international students are paired with local CSUB students upon arrival in order to gain the ultimate CSUB experience is an initiative I want to incorporate. Improving accessibility for students with disabilities in the areas of housing, facilities and academic support is a major issue I will tackle. During my term, I will support and improve initiatives like the University Garden and ASI student scholarships while advocating for cheaper and healthier dining options on campus.
These are just a few of the goals that I plan to accomplish during my term in office.
Vote Precious Nwaoha for Executive Vice President.
Meet Precious Nwaoha:
CSU Bakersfield is home to many students, who come from all walks of life. Nigerian born CSUB student Precious Nwaoha is a fourth year kinesiology major and the Associated Students, Inc. current Vice President of Finance. Nwaoha was also a founding president of the African Student Association.
Though Nwaoha hasn’t always been involved on campus, she says she hasn’t always felt confident in her leadership skills.Nwaoha recalls a time when she almost didn’t continue her studies at CSUB.
“I really wasn’t involved my first two years here and I didn’t see myself staying longer,” she said.
Coming from Fairfield, Calfornia was a hard adjustment for Nwaoha.
Nwaoha said when she first transfered to Bakersfield, it started to grow on her.
Because of the Lead Program, she became more involved at the end of her sophomore year.
“That’s probably why I decided to stay because I started getting more involved. I started seeing how I can either change myself and change the school for the better…(ASI) gave me a sense of community,” she said.
Nwaoha is running for ASI Executive Vice President, taking on her biggest role yet.
“I think I really just had to sit there and think about what I wanted from ASI, what I wanted for myself. And I just decided why not take on a bigger role so I can grow even more as a leader and as a person. And contribute to the school in a different way,” said Nwaoha.