By Runa Lemminn
News Editor
Parking tickets fluttered in the breeze on windshields of cars parked in the temporary dirt parking just north of the soccer fields today.
The temporary lot, located across from the K2 lot along Kroll Way, was opened at the beginning of the Fall 2017 semester to help with parking overflow problems.
As of September 30, that lot was officially closed, according to the side of the signs facing the street.
Signs were posted only on one side of the sandwich boards within the lot, and not at the west opening off Don Hart Drive east and Kroll Way, where many people pull into the lot.
“New parking lot A near CSUB and Don Hart West Drive day lot will close on September 30, 2017,” the signs stated.
In fine print at the bottom, the signs proclaimed, “any vehicles parked on the area of the day lot following Sept. 30, 2017 may be cited and/or towed.”
CSU, Bakersfield’s new parking lot (Lot A), is open just north of the new Humanities building on campus.

Temporary dirt parking lot shut down after parking lot A opens up