Staff Writer
A new year often brings individuals the opportunity to reinvent themselves. Living a healthier lifestyle and attaining fitness goals are the top resolutions many decide to take on. On campus...
Assistant Opinion Editor
Last week, Crystal Becks, the CSUB director of housing, invited others to hear and learn from her experience with ovarian cancer as part of the Brown Bag Talk series. Becks...
By Elizabeth Cortez
Staff Writer
An alternate to a traditional college experience, California State University, Bakersfield offers the CSUB Honor Hawks program, a curriculum that offers special honors...
Jessica Martinez
Staff Writer
The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s Walk to Cure Diabetes was held the morning of Nov. 16 at Yokuts Park in Bakersfield by the Central Valley chapter of the organization.
By Josh Bennett
Staff Writer
The wrestling team won both of their duals on Friday at the Old Gym. They beat Grand Canyon University 32-4 and beat Appalachian State 21-18. CSUB improve their team record...
By Josh Lofy
Staff Writer
When police and witnesses have a difference of opinion, who do you believe? On Mar. 16, 2013, Officer...
Jacquie Russo
Staff Writer
It’s official, Pepsi is no longer sold at California State University, Bakersfield. On Oct. 11,2013 CSUB signed a partnership with Coca-Cola to be the sole beverage provider...
By Shelby Parker
Staff Writer
The red carpet was rolled out and ready to go Friday, Nov. 8 at the Fox Theater, as Hollywood came to town for the first ever “Outside The Box” film festival. It is...
By Krystal Bradford
Special to The Runner
Editor’s Note: This essay won first place in the Runner Reader essay contest. The essay was originally titled “There is a Thin Line between Helping and...
By Brian N. Willhite
Distribution Manager
As gamers mashed buttons and competed against each other they did so not for bragging rights or claiming top honors but in a unified effort to support a nationwide...
By Michael Wafford
News Editor
World renowned inventor and designer Elon Musk brought his soft-spoken demeanor and depth of knowledge to California State University, Bakersfield.
The Doré Theatre overflowed...
By Nate Sanchez
Sports Editor
The Runners capped off their regular season Saturday, Nov. 9 with a 4-3 win over the UNLV Rebels to clinch second place in the Western Athletic Conference standings. The...