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The Student News Site of California State University, Bakersfield

The Runner

The Student News Site of California State University, Bakersfield

The Runner

The Student News Site of California State University, Bakersfield

The Runner

Students line up for a turn flying down the Fun Slide during Runner Nights at CSUB Sept. 8. 
Photo by Skylar Carrasco/ The Runner

Runner Nights lights up the sky

September 12, 2017

By Allison Lechman Reporter     I’m quietly cruising down Stockdale Highway on a Friday night. My car windows are rolled down, the cool wind carelessly flows through my hair while...

Get personal with President Mitchell

September 12, 2017

By Karin Patiño Reporter     Earlier in August, President Horace Mitchell announced during his annual University Day address that he will be retiring after this 2017-2018 school...

Hispanic Heritage month has arrived

September 12, 2017

By Chantel Vargas Reporter   Hispanic Heritage Month Kick-Off begins Sept. 15 at the Student Union patio at 11 a.m.    On  Aug. 29 at the Affinity Groups Welcome Back Social,...

Asian Faculty and Staff Network socialize and celebrate different cultures at CSUB

September 12, 2017

By Karin Patiño Reporter  The Asian Faculty and Staff Network met Thursday, Aug. 31 in the Dezember Reading Room at CSU Bakersfield for the Affinity Groups Welcome Back Socials to discuss their...

‘It’ delivers on gore and casting

September 12, 2017

By Jarrad Mann Photo Editor         I saw IT and I loved it.     Like so many others, I was captivated by the initial teaser for the movie IT when it was...

Horace Mitchell
CSUB President

Meet the people you should know

August 29, 2017

  Dr. Horace Mitchell has been CSUB’s president since July 2004. He came to this campus with a vision of making both the administrative and student body more diverse. “As we moved forward...

New deans tell all about past, present, and future school year

Brenda Gonzalez August 29, 2017

Multimedia Editor    The new school year is bringing forth a new set of deans for each academic school at CSU Bakersfield. We met with each of them and asked them the following questions: What...

Meet your adviser in order to succeed

Roxana Flores August 29, 2017

Web Editor    With new students attending CSU Bakersfield it is helpful to know who and where your academic advisers are.    CSUB has four academic departments categorized into...

An abundant amount of apps for school 

August 29, 2017

By Olivia Kalahar Podcast Editor   The new school year for CSU Bakersfield has just begun and classes are back in session with the lingering dread of less Netflix and more homework, papers and...

Fun around town

August 29, 2017

By Simer Khurana Assistant Photo Editor     Bakersfield can offer a lot more than what most people think. There is plenty to do in Bakersfield if you know where to look. If you get bored,...

Glendy Ardon is a CSUB student who has survived stage IV Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, and has used her pain as motivation to finish school. 
 Photo by Simer Khurana

Student’s pain fuels a new beginning

Glendy Ardon May 18, 2017

Reporter  I remember pain. I thought I was hurt or sore from physical exercise, or from being a tired mom always on the go with two children on the autism spectrum filled with way too much...

A resolution has been reached revoking the requirements of tickets.
Javier Valdes/The Runner

Administration reaches graduation resolution

Christopher Mateo May 5, 2017

Editor-in-Chief   After much discontent from the student body on the sudden requirement for tickets to attend graduation, CSUB President Horace Mitchell has sent out a memo with details on the...

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