By Marizza Espinosa
Associated Students Inc. is beginning its search for getting a new executive director.
Current ASI Executive Director, Taren Mulhause, has announced she is retiring after having been the executive director of ASI for the past five years.
Mulhause said, “It’s kind of bittersweet because I’ve always been here with the students and I’m not going to know what to do with myself.”
Even before she was given the position as executive director, she had been involved with ASI – 22 years now.
Mulhause had the luxury of being ASI’s first executive director.
Prior to that, ASI only had an administrator coordinator, which was her as well.
Her position consists of being the administrator that oversees ASI and works with the students.
“I’m kind of the liaison between the students and the university,” Mulhause said.
Associate Vice President of Student Affairs, Jim Drnek, is chairing the ASI executive director search.
He is hoping the position to be filled as soon as possible but a lot goes along with the search process. With this particular search committee, since this position entails that they work closely with the students, they have all six executive board members on the committee.
The search committee is in the process of reviewing applications, resumes, and letters of interest of whomever meets the minimum requirements to be considered for the position. Mulhause, who is retiring after 22 years on ASI, said, “I’m definitely coming back and visiting. They’ll be like ‘I thought you left.'”