By Stephanie Cox
Staff Writer
This year, the Associated Students Inc. has funded events from clubs like Theta Sigma Chi, Psychology club, Delta Zeta Tau, and Japan and Beyond and also acknowledging campus issues observed by students and attending committee’s to keep students informed on decisions.
Throughout the year ASI has funded clubs like Delta Zeta Tau for the La Gran Posada, Campus Gamers for Gamer Education Day, Jazz club for free admission to students for the Jazz Festival and M.E.Ch.A for its Cinco De Mayo festival and Noche De Gala.
President of ASI, Hilda Nieblas said, Noche De Gala was one of her favorite events. Mike Kwon, Housing Director, and Savannah Andrews, Vice President of Programming both agreed the Noche De Gala was also one of their favorite events.
As well as funding events, ASI also promotes lots of other events as well by attending them. The Dance marathon, which was a favorite of Nieblas, Kwon and Andrews, was an event that ASI attended to help raise money for the Lauran Small Children’s Medical Center.
Students on campus often ask, “what does ASI do.” ASI provides funding for social events, support projects around campus and talk to students.
In ASI weekly board meetings there is time set aside for campus issues. Some issues brought up this year have been the handicap buttons on the doors not working, constant complaints on food expenses on campus, construction complaints from students and students feeling unwelcomed when transferring from other schools.
This year the ASI board has accomplished many projects including raising library study hours and implementing funding for new hydrations stations. ASI has aimed to make our campus more social and up to date.
ASI ambition has not changed in it’s plans for next year. Future ASI President Derek Stotler said, More student life was a goal for next year.
“We want to reach out to students to let them know about our events. Rowdy TV will be our bi-monthly video for our students highlighting past accomplishments and what is to come,” said Stotler. The Rowdy TV YouTube channel will be available next year to students.
Stotler discussed many other goals for next year including creating an inner club council where clubs can collaborate on events. A Senior project where funding from outside contributors will go toward a set percent for a grand project to be decided by students.
Club funding is a major goal for ASI next year, just as it has been this year.
“We want to make sure our clubs have proper funding. We’re setting aside more funds for clubs but it’s a three step process,” said Stotler. “We want bigger events.”