California State University, Bakersfield through the help of Dr. Parks have decided to bring the Umoja program to CSUB to support transfer students and to educate everyone about African Culture.
On Sept 9. CSUB hosted the Second annual Umoja Ubuntu leadership retreat in the multi-purpose room at CSUB’s student union.
Some of the special guests there were Dr. Alecia Blackwood, NaTisha Hudson, and Dr. Jonathan Henderson, where they spoke about various topics such as the motivation within the African culture. Also, how Umoja can be a great help by providing students with school supplies, gift cards and a safe and supporting place to study

and work in the Transfer Center and how it will addition to CSUB.
Umoja (A Kiswahili word meaning unity) African American Success Through Excellence and Persistence (ASTEP), is a program that integrates academics, support services and African American culture.
Umoja helps students in seeking education regarding their African, or African American, history.
Through this program you learn about leadership and development skills through the workshops and speakers.
Overall, the students involved in Umoja will learn how to be strong leaders and role models in their community.