The Roadrunners came into the Big West tournament as the eight seed going against fifth seed UC Riverside and the matchup during the season was an even split of 1-1. Senior guard, Kaleb Higgins, came into the tournament as part of All-Conference second team while averaging 17 points per game.
The Roadrunner’s came out the game hot, with a lot of energy on defense and it flowed throughout the first half. Higgins and Kancleris had a great two-man game going on as they would take turns down the first ten minute stretch giving out baskets each.
Roadrunners went on a 7 – 1 run forcing Riverside to use one of their timeouts to stop the momentum that CSUB was causing. After the timeout, the energy from the Roadrunners did not stop as they continued to put the pressure on the defense. CSUB finished the half up 44 to 33 with Kaleb Higgins being the leading scorer with 14.
CSUB sophomore, Jon Beck, was super hyped going into halftime with the Roadrunners leading.
“We got this, there is no way we are losing this, we traveled all the way over here to get this chip!”
Start of the second half you could feel the energy shift as Riverside made the first basket of the half and soon after that Kaleb Higgins went down with an apparent leg injury. Higgins has been fighting that injury since last season and it seemed to take a toll on him in the second half of the game.
Riverside ended up cutting the game close during the second half as down the stretch as CSUB and Riverside started to trade baskets back and forth. But late in the second half Riverside took the lead and stayed in control with it. CSUB put up a great fight as the final score came out to 78 to 83.
The Runner’s leading scorers were Kaleb Higgins with 35 and Modestas Kancleris with 12 points. CSUB had a great season and now we wait for the next season to see what coach Barnes can produce.
After the game Coach Barnes and guard Kaleb Higgins went to the post game where they were emotional.
“This season has been one where I have seen a lot of young men grow in a lot of different ways. I am just thankful to be a part of that.”
Higgins, very emotional was thankful for CSUB.
“This means a lot; coach took a chance on me when I had nothing. Coach taught me a lot and not even with basketball.”
CSUB will have the whole off season to produce and come back next year, where hopefully they can have a different outcome.