Come one, come all and get involved in CSU Bakersfield’s community. The Get Involved Day event occurred Sep 6. From10 am–12 pm in front of the Student Union building, which hosts student clubs and organizations. There were around 60–70 booths open to students. These booths were giving out flyers, candies, fans, chips, and drinks as prizes and incentives for signing up with the clubs. There was a large line for burrito bowls from “El Pollo Loco,” which were being served free at the event.

“We really want to express that it is okay, you are going be in a safe environment and just have a good time.” said K-pop club booth attendee Jennifer VanDever. VanDever hopes that people get more involved and are happy to have the K-pop club as she feels that some people are too shy to express their love for music and all things Korean.
When asked how they planned to get people to join their club, VanDever said that they offer dance events and dance workshops that they host, decorate photocards, and plan on hosting a talent show in the future.
“Our organization, ASI, is about governing for the students here at CSUB. Being the voice and advocating for our students for a better community on campus.” stated Tiffany James, director of graduate students.
James later said that they hope to bring the community together and let new students and transfer students know the opportunities that we have here at CSUB.
There was an easily dispersed crowd of students at this event, with some traveling in duos or small groups of three or four to each booth.
“It’s just a great opportunity for students who don’t really know the campus that well can come out here and just check out all the different stuff that our campus has to offer,” said Alejandro Martinez.
“I am enjoying it a lot it’s nice to get to see what clubs are on campus and to get to talk to all the people that lead them.” said Sydney Fay, a freshman attending the event.
When asked what she hopes to get out of this fair, Fay said that she hopes mainly to join clubs, get to know more people, as she is a freshman and doesn’t know that many people here, and states that it is nice to just get involved.