Support and resources for ADHDers
November 2, 2022

We recognize National Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Awareness Month in October, and while it has passed, ADHD does not. Sponsored by the Attention Deficit Disorder Association, the month is dedicated to raising awareness about ADHD, a medical condition that affects how the brain works. It is characterized by various symptoms including hyperactivity, impulsivity, short attention span and similar executive functioning issues.
There are three types of ADHD: inattentive/distractible ADHD; impulsive/hyperactive ADHD, and combined ADHD, a combination of the two. ADHD is still misunderstood by many, so it’s important to educate yourself properly to raise awareness. If you suspect you, or someone you love, may have ADHD, it’s critical to seek help and additional resources to help manage ADHD in your everyday life.
- Accommodations for students with ADHD
In Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, federal law protects students from discrimination based on disability. For example, a student with ADHD can seek accommodations through special education or similar services from the school district.
Services are individualized, as every student experiences ADHD differently. As a student at CSUB, you can receive accommodations through the office of Services for Students with Disabilities. You must present proof of your disability from a licensed professional, and accommodations are provided based on need.
Accommodations include registration assistance, testing accommodation, and priority registration upon eligibility. If you would like further information, and would like to apply for accommodations, be sure to contact the office of Services for Students with Disabilities.
Call SSD: (661) 654- 3360
E-mail SSD: [email protected]
- Podcasts
Podcasts are a great way to learn information, in a digestible format. One of my favorites is ADHD reWired. This podcast is hosted by Eric Tivers, a licensed clinical social worker, who specializes in ADHD and individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). He speaks of his own experiences with ADHD and invites guests to talk about productivity and success.
- Online Courses
A free online course is available to anyone who signs up for the course through Open Learn- or Open University called Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This course aims to educate anyone about ADHD and is taught from the perspective of those with ADHD. It also explores various types of treatment, including therapy, medication, and more. If you have been diagnosed with ADHD and would like to learn more from a scientific perspective, I would highly recommend taking this course.
- Support Groups
If you are looking to seek support outside of therapy or medication, consider a support group. Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, or CHADD, provides support groups, both in-person and virtually. The support group’s topics range from different groups, such as women, children, and parents, who are all looking to seek support.
ADHD can be challenging. However, it’s important to seek resources to help manage your symptoms. In October, remember to spread awareness and celebrate those with ADHD. It’s the differences that we all have that make us unique.