By Layne Ogle
Staff Writer
Throughout the month of April, California State University of Bakersfield has been celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Student Union leading up to the ceremony that took place April 18 in memory of the day the doors first opened.
While also being the location for the Roadrunner Bookstore, the Student Union is home to all Associated Students Inc. offices and Rowdy’s Place (the campus pub).
This fun hangout spot is more than just a place to gather and “chill” with your friends and it is more than just a building. The Student Union is a welcoming place that has helped shape the futures of many young students, and that, in itself, is worth celebrating.

CSUB officials cut the cake in celebration of the Student Union turning 20!
E.J. Callahan, Treasurer on the Board of Student Union Directors recalls his experience as a student when the doors first opened in 1994.
“Every time I walk through the doors it’s like I’m reliving my undergraduate years,” Callahan said.
Emily Poole, Assistant Director of Campus Programming, along with several other committee members put a lot of time and effort into planning the event because of its importance to the student body. The event also consisted of free celebratory items such as key chains, lanyards, and cake! Poole said that the most successful aspect of the Student Union is associated with “student growth and development.”
Arthur Smith, Spirit Coordinator, states why students should take the time to celebrate the Student Union reaching 20 years.
“I think this event is important for people to see and understand that over the past 20 years not only has the Student Union served as an on campus place for people to come enjoy a sporting event or get their books, but also a place where students have developed into young adults through the clubs and organization within these halls,” Smith said.
ASI and Campus Programming have been responsible for planning and hosting many extra-curricular events on campus. The Brown Bag Discussion and the Fireside Chat have been excellent ways to reach out to students and involve them in improving themselves and the school as a whole. The Student Union is also hosting the Ethics Bowl to take place on May 17.
In addition to many events that have been and will continue to be held here, the Student Union is looking to expand. Dr. Thomas Wallace, Vice President of Student Affairs, remarks on the history of the building.
“It is important that we know where we’ve been so we know where we’re going,” said Wallace. Wallace also informs that while the campus and student body are growing it is time to update and expand the building of the Student Union as well.