Athlete of the Week: Jefi Dordevic

Photo Courtesy of CSUB Athletics

Madalyn Powers, Sports Editor

For our first week we will be honoring Women’s Golf player Jefi Dordevic who is a sophomore from Belgrade, Serbia. When asked what got her into the sport it began with her dad, playing for fun as early as eight years old, and then turned into a family sport with both her and her brother following suit, which has come as an advantage as they understand the sport in all its entirety.  

When asked why she chose CSU Balersfield’s program she mentioned the positive aspects of the team atmosphere and the coach’s motivation to always fight for the program. Dordevic exclaimed, “We have something special. Our chemistry on the field.” A plus side was definitely CSUB being located in California with amazing weather all the time.

This gives the ability to play all the time. Lastly, the courses and facilities they get to play at made the choice even easier.  

Discussing her season and being able to play at home during the Valley Invitational gave them the ability to practice and see what the greens would do.

She also emphasized how much of a privilege it is to be able to play this season but is ready for lots of reflection for further tournaments. Here’s to a great season for not only Jefi but to the whole Women’s Golf Team. Go Runners!