Staying entertained with summertime activities

Jessianne Solis, Features Writer

Story edited by Damian Lopez, Editor-in-Chief


Summer is among us, and we are free to do whatever we want. It is time to take a break from school and do all the fun activities not possible during the semester. Here are my top five summertime activities.

  1: An afternoon walk

This activity is one of my favorites for summertime because it is cooler in the afternoons than during the day. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Bakersfield’s average low temperature for June is 64F and 70F for July, so even the lowest temperatures of the evenings are comfortable. Plus, you will not have to walk in the hot sun to get steps in for the day.

  2: Arts and crafts

Paint nights are fun, but they can be whatever kind of arts and crafts you want. The point is to have a get-together with your friends because spending time with friends is more important than you think.

“Friendships have a huge impact on your mental health and happiness. Good friends relieve stress, provide comfort and joy, and prevent loneliness and isolation,” said Lawrence Robinson, Anne Artley, Melinda Smith, and Jeanne Segal in their article “Making Good Friends.”

I enjoy having get-togethers with my friends because it is beneficial for our mental health, and we have a fun time.

  3: Other outdoor activities

My family and I made it a routine to spend at least one hour a day outside during summer. We play games, race our R.C. cars, and we even have picnics. Other times we do work, like wash our car, to spend time outdoors.

“Spending time outside is one of the easiest ways to improve your mental health and well-being… Vitamin D is essential for bone growth, regulates your immune system, and can help battle depression,” said White Plains Hospital in their article “My Doctor Told Me to Go Outside!”

Being outside not only keeps you happy mentally but can improve your physical health in many ways. Just do not forget your sunscreen, because we all know that having a sunburn is no fun.

  4: Binge-watch TV/Movies

Some days I want to spend the day lounging and not do something physically active. So, lie down, relax, grab some snacks, and watch your favorite show. This is another form of a mental health day, and it is ok to have non-productive days like these. Personally, my favorite show to watch is Law and Order: S.V.U. I can sit and watch the show all day if I let myself.

  5: Day trips

When possible, getting out of town for a day can serve as a mental health day. Going to the beach is fun because it is time away from Bakersfield, giving you a mental break from your environment.

“A mental health day can provide a much-needed break to pause, regroup, and come back with greater levels of energy and a fresh, less-stressed perspective,” said Elizabeth Scott in their article, “When You Should Take a Mental Health Day.”

Having the time to unwind from life is critical. It allows people to hit the reset button.


Going to the beach, going on an afternoon walk, having a paint night with friends, spending time outside, and binge-watching shows, are my top five activities I like to do over the summer. They help me mentally and physically feel good. These are just a few options, but there are many activities you can do to enjoy your summer. Keep safety precautions in mind when taking part in public activities.