CSUB continues to provide students with resources virtually
January 21, 2021
Although CSUB students and staff are not allowed on campus due to COVID-19, resources are available virtually to help students succeed.
According to the Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment at CSUB the Spring 2021 headcount is 10,115 for enrolled students. All students have the opportunity to access help with the many resources available at CSUB. Last semester, the university was able to transition many on-campus resources into virtual appointments via Zoom.
If students are in need of a hotspot, laptop or both they can contact the Laptop and Hotspot Loaner Program by email at [email protected] or by phone at (661) 654-HELP (4357).

Photo by Karina Diaz
For those needing academic assistance, the tutoring center has many areas that you can request help with including the Writing Resource Center, the Math Tutoring Center, Social Science and Education Tutoring Center. Students can access tutoring by emailing [email protected] to schedule an appointment or to check for availability.
One resource available is the Walter W. Stiern Library. Students can access the library from the comfort of their home using their CSUB ID and password from the CSUB library website in order to check out books, access research databases and get help from a librarian. According to the CSUB website, there is also a 24/7 chat available and the library is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. The library can be contacted by phone at (661) 654-3172.

For psychiatric needs, students have access to the counseling center, which offers counseling and psychiatry services through Zoom, according to the CSUB website. Those in need of these services can call the main counseling center at (661) 654-3366. The center provides workshops, group therapy, psychiatric services, and general studies courses.
In addition to previous resources, the Student Health Services center is open to all CSUB students and provides, “access to physicians and nursing staff, plus in-house x-ray, clinical laboratory, health promotions and pharmacy services,” according to the CSUB website. Services include a pharmacy, a women’s clinic and more. For more information students can contact the student health services at (661) 654-2394.

The CSUB food pantry provides many staple foods and essential products to currently enrolled students. According to the pantry’s Instagram page, the hours of operation are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Tuesday and Thursday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. To receive food and supplies students must present their CSUB student ID or their Canvas or Blackboard page. The pantry also offers food distributions which are “free and open to the public, all are welcome.” For more information, contact the pantry at (661) 654-3663 or keep up with their social media.