The Bakersfield Marathon at CSUB

Video by Alexis Garcia and Carlos Hernandez.

On November 17, 2019, CSUB held a marathon that hosted four events: the 5K run, a 10Krun, a half-marathon, and the full Marathon. Multimedia reporters Carlos Hernandez and Alexis Garcia attended the early morning event to see the take off of the Marathon runners and engage with the attendees and contestants.

The Runner interviewed David Millazo, the co-founder and managing director for the Bakersfield Marathon, who discussed the origins of the event and his satisfaction with the turnout. According to David, the goal of the event is to promote healthy living here in Bakersfield and try to improve the city’s reputation. The Runners then interviewed two contestants before the marathon began, Bianca Hoban and Celeste Carcha. Bianca Hoban is a former CSUB Student who graduated with a bachelor’s in accounting and finance. She’s participating in this year’s Bakersfield Marathon for the thrill and fun. Celeste Carcha is a student from National University who’s participating in the half-marathon with her boyfriend.

After a few minutes, the 5K runners began to trickle back to the finish line. There, the Runners interviewed Mike Garcia, a young runner who is very satisfied with his performance. During the interview, he stated his favorite part of the whole experience was the water stations.