Community responds to March for Our Lives guest coming to campus
Hogg speaking during a March for Our lives event at a High School in Maine. Photo courtesy of March for Our Lives
September 27, 2019
The Kegley Institute of Ethics, KIE, has selected David Hogg, a Parkland, Florida school shooting survivor, and gun violence activist to be the 34th annual Charles W. Kegley Memorial Lecture speaker. Hogg is the co-founder of March for Our Lives, a youth led organization rallying against gun violence, and is also one of the founding members of Never Again MSD (Marjory Stone Douglas), another gun control advocacy group.
After the original announcement of Hogg’s upcoming arrival to CSU Bakersfield in the spring, debates on social media and controversial comments began to surface regarding Hogg.
One commenter, Hoss59, on the Bakersfield Californian’s Facebook page said, “It’s sad that this young man is making out from this tragedy, anyone can have a different opinion, but taking his first comments about riding his bike to school after the shooting, and then stating he was there, but could not provide proof/witness’ that he was there, I believe he is an opportunist.”
Another user, Cesareo, replied, “Actually, he was on campus during the shooting. You don’t have to believe it, but it’s a proven fact.”
David Irvine, on Twitter, said, “What a stupid liberal thing CSUB is doing! I hope no one shows up!!!!”
While the accusations of Hogg not being at the school have been debunked and proven as false with resources on websites such as Snopes and fact checker, they are still bringing in debate among viewers and readers of different media outlets.
The director of KIE, Michael Burroughs, spoke about finding topical speakers for their lectures at the institute, and how these speakers should be relevant to our communities, our region, and our world.
“We are completely okay with people disagreeing with the speaker selection, but we want to have a peaceful and informed conversation about it, so the idea of bringing Hogg is not ‘we agree with everything Hogg as ever done or will ever do’, the idea is it is fine to disagree but just come ask a question,” said Burroughs.
According to Burroughs, Hogg is the youngest speaker to come to the KIE. He himself is a college student attending Harvard, and plans to further engage in politics by running for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives when he becomes of the eligible age. Because of Hogg’s busy schedule a specific date has not been set for the lecture, however it has been confirmed for April 2020.
Burroughs shed some light on the selection of Hogg as a speaker by stating, “We were really interested in speaking to undergraduates, actually, and the idea that David Hogg is a college freshman who, for better or worse, has had a tremendous political impact in our country. He underwent a tragedy, and he decided to act in the face of that tragedy, and we thought that it would be cool for undergrads to be able to engage with a young person who’s tried to engage with democracy in a positive way. So, I think it is the epitome of a topical subject right now, and hopefully events like these can be part of generating ideas and youth response to the problem.”
KIE is currently working on a location for Hogg’s lecture as they expect this speaker to bring a large audience, however they expect the event to either be held at the Icardo Center or the Dore Theatre. KIE has paid for the security needed for this event which will be staffed by the University Police Department.
When asked about the specifics of security Burroughs said, “I definitely wouldn’t say we are concerned but I would say we’re definitely prepared. For every major event we do we have security there, and actually with David Hogg, there are contracted responsibilities on our part to have a specific amount of security at the event and to make sure we are having a safe environment. I fully expect we will have a peaceful and successful event.”
harol Murray • Oct 2, 2019 at 1:19 pm
David I support you and all the victims of these senseless shootings I too was a victim of gun violence and I survived I believe that the massive shootings of dschools and public places too often people miss the point these people are radical people that it doesn’t take much to set them off I see many videos on social media and Facebook of young children with guns speaking extremely hate trick for people of color but that hatred spills over into hatred for others not of color too often it’s been said that these people have medical conditions to explain away the deaths but it’s radical behavior for other reasons but when that person has a problem with one person or a few people similar to like having difficult issues in school and because they hate is already in them for people of color that same hate will be turned on when they have a problem in school I have understood this for many years hope you read my message and see if you understand what I mean a radical person does not only turn on the very people or thing that they hate the most but they will also turn on anyone that they believe has wronged them although bullying should be against the law what is not a reason to shoot anyone that alone a school a church or places that we go for fun until they understand the real reason why these shootings are happening in massive Waze then and only then they can begin to heal this nation of hours. and random shootings in our neighborhoods all happening because of a long-standing no snitch law people who send these murders happen and refused to tell what they have seen given the murderers the boldness to continue committing these murders because they have no fear of repercussions they understand that it is hard for law enforcement to obtain information preventing them from being caught in other words when a neighborhood goes by the no snitching rule and sometimes being afraid to say something and because of that actions or lack of action these murders continue I have come to understand that if the communities within these cities understand that if they don’t say anything I’ll report what they have seen the murderers will continue to have no fear of taking a life so until the communities start reporting what they have seen and taking away the boldness that the murderer has of having no fear of taking a life then and only then the murderers will go down dramatically I would do what I can to continue to put this knowledge out I also believe that background checks art Central to your cause and I also believe that to prevent taking guns away from law-abiding gun owners there’s a simple way so what I suggest number one fight to get the background checks put into law number two I believe that up in the age to 25 years old to buy any gun should be made into law the thought process of a person well then such a powerful weapon as a gun or rifle that at the age of 25 they should be well-established enough to handle any firearm along with mandatory training of every gun sale number three it should be made law that everyone who owns a gun no matter what type should not be able to sell that guy to anyone under 25 nor should they be able to sell the firearm without law enforcement in the city or state that they are residing authorization of sale along with background check of the buyer number for every person who owns a gun or firearm of any kind should and always be responsible for the weapon that they have in their possession making sure that the gun is only fired by the owner making sure that the gun is not in a place where anyone in or outside of the home can get to it and if the gun is stolen they should set a time that they have to report the gun being stolen and also that they should by law be responsible for the gun at all times if the gun is used by anyone but the owner of the firearm they are whole responsible even if the file was just fired into air so what I am saying is that anyone fires a firearm that does not belong to them and they are under 25 also should have jail time and the person who the gun belongs to what’s a knot the person who fired the gun or firearm should also pay a heavy penalty or imprisonment depending on the circumstances and also that all assault rifles should be banned from using as protection including rifles after all a handgun it’s capable of deterring any attacker but still must be fired by the owner and only the owner the owners have to be made responsible for the weapons that they possess there’s no need to take them away just make tougher laws making the age 25 to possess any firearm making the owners of any firearm responsible for their own firearms no matter who fired the firearm making all parties responsible with tough fines or penalties or jail time banning all assault weapons from being used as a weapon of defense accepting any case that the perpetrator is using the how powerful weapon such as a assault rifle anytime other than that these weapons should not be used for those purposes there’s no reason for these guys to be used as a deterrent unless the perpetrator is using the type of weapon as an assault rifle these are just some of the things I believe that will help in your quest to prevent these shootings if you feel the same if at all possible my email address is there let me know what you think I just believe that this is a better solution I also believe that if the solutions are presented to Democratic party mainly and try to reach the Republican parties also I just doesn’t have face in the Republican party anymore to protect our children that alone now citizens I believe that watch Donald Trump is out of office and if the Democrats get into office taking over the House and Senate and the presidency that these changes are most of them can be made they just have to be voiced so I ask you give them voice and speak out more boldly about these issues I don’t see anything partisan about them it’s just asking for simple things not to take away their guns but how important it is that I’ll kids grow up without the fear of them making simple rules and put it into law to change the behavior of the user and owners of these weapons I am so proud of you Young generation who are standing up and fighting back continue fighting for what you believe in be powerful and your speeches and always bring your peers around you and strong advocates this is how you make changes powerful speaking and sometimes being forceful and what you believe in and if it is right us adults would take notice remember nothing ever got changed buy soft-spoken it always took a fight not being quiet not being disrespectful but having the right cause the right message and fighting very hard for what you want not being afraid just say nothing’s enough we won’t stand for this we going to fight till the end until you decide to change these laws we are the future this is our generation and we’re not giving up we going to continue to fight these are the things that we’re asking for and be powerful and strong the same way I Saw the young people fight from the beginning about gun violence it was very powerful the way they stood on a stage at fault for what they want you have to be that way when you go to Congress you have to be that way in your talk with each other also because it takes each other and it teaches each other how strong to fight and what where is the cheese just like you did on that stage that day let that be what you breathe good luck and I will continue to follow you guys until these changes are taking place