Incoming student, Adam Marquez, 23, is welcomed to CSU Bakersfield with a bang as his Chevrolet Colorado was T-boned by a Honda Accord on Thursday Dec. 14.
“We are fine, but my mom was jolted,” said Marquez.

A Honda Accord collided with a Chevrolet Truck on the intersection of Don Hart Drive West and CSUB Way on Thursday Dec. 14.
Marquez was turning in from Stockdale Highway onto campus when a woman named Olga, hit him on the passenger side of his truck after mistakenly stepping on the gas instead of the brakes.
Olga was at the stop sign at the intersection of CSUB Way and Don Hart Drive West.
Marquez’s vehicle was still able to be moved without a tow. However, the Honda Civic sustained damages that left the car unable to be moved.
“The car [Honda Accord] was disabled that is why it had to be towed,” said Officer Scott Jelletich.
Two officers including Jelletich were directing traffic as the tow truck moved the Honda Accord out of the way.
According to Jelletich the accident was injury free.

The Chevrolet Colorado was left with a dent on the passenger side where Marquez’s mother was sitting at the time of the collision.