The Academic Senate has brought the idea of having faculty parking to light.
We feel that faculty does not need a parking lot reserved for themselves.
Students have a hard enough time finding parking lot as it is. Restricting more parking lots will further affect students.
If the Academic Senate wants to do something about parking it would be better to demand that CSUB build parking garages not putting more lots further away from campus.
Parking should be built up.
ASI cannot take a stance without the input of the student body because without the students’ voices ASI would not be representing the student body accurately or fairly.
Both the Academic Senate and ASI need to be able to explain this concept to students and they need to be able to reach out to the students before any type of stance is taken.
Parking garages would be more efficient for all of the campus.
One of the benefits would be that we could start preserving more land for buildings and not parking.
Eventually the student body will outgrow the campus and we will need more land to build building and classrooms, if CSUB keeps expanding parking outwards we would become a parking station.
ASI was advised to not to take a stance by Patrick Jacobs vice president of facilities and management and University Police Department Chief Marty Williamson.
Their advice was to hold of on taking a stance on the matter because after the new parking lots are built parking trends might shift freeing some parking spots.
However, ASI did not say that their neutrality on the issue was due to student input.