A panel of three students addressed a room full of students, faculty, and local Bakersfield residents on Thursday Oct. 13 in the Dezember Reading Room for a gathering called Water: A Global Challenge: Different Problems, Different Needs, and Thinking Outside the Box.
The student panelists were: Grant Obenshain a junior geology major, Darby Scanlon a senior environmental management and geology major, and Morgan Kayser a junior geology major.
Jacquelyn Ann K. Kegley of the Helen Hawk Honors Program moderated the event.
The panel of students informed all attendees of how other countries are affected by certain water issues along with issues faced here in The United States and California.
Geology major Grant Obenshain thanking Dr. Mitchell at CSUBs Water: A Global Challenge talk on Thursday, Oct. 13.
Etelvina Castillo/ The Runner