By Annie Russell
Features Editor
First day jitters, tuition expenses, homework galore and a dash of anxiety. College is no joke and for many students, anxiety whether small or large becomes a burden.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America anxiety is one of the most common mental illnesses in the U.S yet highly treatable. However, only one-third of people who suffer from the illness seek treatment.
Anxiety closely resembles a state of fear and panic and can happen when thinking about negative future events such as failing a test or driving in traffic.
There are multiple ways to ease an over processed mind for instances listening to calming music, playing sports or simply taking a nap.
CSU Bakersfield offers a range of resources to help students who are suffering from anxiety such as counseling sessions and group discussions.
“If they’re [students] looking for any assistances they can come to the counseling center.” Counselor assistant staff Trinity Brown said. “They can walk into the counseling center and schedule an appointment with one of the five counselors or they can also call over the phone.”
The counseling center is located in the Student Health Building across from the Icardo Center. It also offers crisis intervention and talks about transition and adjustment for students who need help transitioning into college or any other problem they are facing at CSUB.
Counselors are available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday through Friday or other hours when needed or under appointment basis.
Brown also suggest that students come through the counseling center to pick up free pamphlets and bookmarks that may help them with coping with stress or anxiety. Counseling services at CSUB are available to all students who are enrolled at the campus.
Under ethical and professional standards student problems revealed during the sessions are kept confidential with the exception to students who are planning to harm their self or others.
Students aren’t just limited to the counseling center, the Student Recreation Center offers a few options for students who are feeling a bit stressed.
“We offer things for stress,” senior psychology major and SRC staff Cristina Salcedo said. “All of it is free if you have a membership.”
The SRC offers aromatherapy, a Zen Zone (December 7), stress management (September 22), and plenty of group activities and staff that are bound to help students become both physically and mentally healthy.
Fitness and Wellness Coordinator Leah Bank stated in a previous interview that “fitness is a part of our overall wellness,” utilize the gym and all that it offers.
If the SRC isn’t quite cutting it, there is always plenty of campus staff around such as teachers and advisers that know the school and that are willing to sit down and have a talk with students.