Runner on the Street: What are your thoughts on the increase of student fees?
May 17, 2016

“Things are already expensive as they are, but I think it’s going towards a good use. It’ll help students improve their grades.”
![Brandon Silva, senior, criminal justice ”I think the [increase of] fees would be kind of pointless in terms of going towards those apps that people don’t use. I’m sure there’s other things here that people don’t use that they are unaware of like the health center fees.”](
”I think the [increase of] fees would be kind of pointless in terms of going towards those apps that people don’t use. I’m sure there’s other things here that people don’t use that they are unaware of like the health center fees.”

”If it’s just an app for writing your stories, I don’t see how that would be very beneficial.”
![Denise Chavez, freshmen, English “Honestly, I feel that we would just waste it [money] on something else… so it’s not a big deal. It has something to do with school so it’s for a good cause.”](
“Honestly, I feel that we should just waste it [money] on something else… so it’s not a big deal. It has something to do with school so it’s for a good cause.”

“I think that we should look into further options, like look into different programs.”