One man is dead after a shooting last night across the street from CSUB on Stockdale Highway.
According to Sergeant Nathan McCauley of Bakersfield Police Department, at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19, a domestic dispute ended with a car accident where multiple shots were then fired. McCauley said the shooter pursued his ex-girlfriend who was in a car with another passenger. The shooter rammed her car off the road in front of Insurica at 8500 Stockdale Highway. He then shot multiple times into her vehicle, but nobody was hit. The shooter then turned the gun on himself. He was transported to a local hospital and he died this morning from his injuries. McCauley said no one else was injured in the incident.
Westbound traffic was affected for more than three hours on Stockdale Highway between Gosford Road and East Don Hart Drive.
CSUB police also responded to the incident. At 7:24 p.m. CSUB Police Chief Marty Williamson sent out a campuswide email stating, “Earlier this evening, the Bakersfield Police responded to an incident on Stockdale Highway across from campus. Some of our officers also responded and determined the campus was not in any danger. Therefore, no warning was issued.”